§ 170-1. Land use agencies.  

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to authority granted by C.G.S. § 8-1c and other statutory authority heretofore adopted, the Planning and Zoning Commission, Inland Wetlands Board and Zoning Board of Appeals are herewith authorized to establish schedules for and make collection of reasonable fees for the processing of land use applications for regular zoning permits, special permits, subdivisions and resubdivisions of land, petitions for variances, site plan approvals and such applications, permits and approvals as may be duly required by such Boards or Commission. Fees shall be such as may be duly determined by such Boards or Commission. Fees shall be such as may be duly amended from time to time, may include additional fees to defray the costs of legal notice publications and shall be duly adopted and published in the printed regulations of said Boards or Commission.