§ 298-9. Discharges from private sewage disposal systems.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into any public sewer, either directly or indirectly, any overflow or effluent from a septic tank, cesspool, subsurface drainage trench, bed or filter, or other receptacle storing organic waste.
    The contents of privy vaults, septic tanks, or cesspools will be accepted and processed only at the municipal sewage treatment plant on South Street, unless otherwise allowed by the Authority, provided that:
    Such contents were accumulated and located on property within the Town of Ridgefield.
    Such contents consist only of domestic or commercial wastes, excluding any industrial wastes or substances specified to be excluded from public sewers by these regulations.
    Such contents are transported in sanitary, watertight vehicles, equipped with a suitable valve outlet, and meeting such requirements as may be stipulated by local or state health agencies.
    A permit is issued by the Sewer Authority for the discharge of such contents. A permit fee may be set by the Sewer Authority for each tank load of such wastes.
    Delivery of such contents is made to the sewage treatment plant site on weekdays during hours approved by the Sewer Authority.
    One or more copies of the permit form for the discharge of such contents are surrendered to the sewage treatment plant operator or his agent and such operator or his agent accepts the delivery as containing no substances or wastes known to be harmful to the sewage treatment plant or its treatment processes.
    Permits issued under this section shall be void after 30 days from date of issuance. All permits are subject to cancellation, revocation, or suspension by the Sewer Authority when such action is deemed necessary to safeguard the sewage works.
Amended 10-5-1983