§ 310-49. Storm drainage construction specifications.  

Latest version.
  • The storm drainage system shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards and procedures:
    Pipe. All pipe used shall be of reinforced concrete meeting State Highway Department specifications. In some instances, the Town Engineer may recommend use of corrugated metal pipe where in his judgment such pipe will provide a more satisfactory drainage system.
    Joints. The joints of all pipes shall be shoved tight. Pipe laid in sandy, silty, or other soil where, in the judgment of the Town Engineer, there is the possibility of silting shall have joints thoroughly sealed with a 1:3 Portland cement mortar or other approved method.
    Catch basins and manholes. Catch basins and manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans. Manholes shall be constructed of solid concrete radial manhole blocks eight inches thick, and catch basins shall be constructed of eight-inch solid concrete blocks. Precast concrete units are acceptable.
    Headwalls, culverts and bridges. Headwalls, culverts and bridges shall be constructed where required, in accordance with good engineering practice and as specified by the Town Engineer.
    Cement block construction will not be permitted.
    Open ditches. Open ditches may be permitted at the discretion of the Town Engineer. The size of the waterway shall be of sufficient size to convey all water expected to be discharged and shall be suitably stabilized against erosion. The side banks shall be moderately sloped, not less than three horizontal to one vertical, and then seeded or otherwise stabilized. Paved bottom sections and rip-rap slopes shall be provided when directed by the Town Engineer to prevent scour and erosion.