§ 310-54. As-built drawings.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    When the foundation course has been completed, the developer shall submit as-built drawings. Such drawings shall be in ink on plan-profile linen and shall be 36 inches by 24 inches in size. Drawings shall be prepared by a person registered as a professional engineer or land surveyor in the State of Connecticut and shall show the following detail:
    Concrete monuments delineating the right-of-way.
    Edge of paved surfaces as they relate to right-of-way.
    A center-line profile of the graded surface.
    The location and size of all sanitary and storm sewer conduits and structures, including invert elevations of the same.
    Bearings and distances on all right-of-way boundaries tied into the monuments described above.
    Drainage easements as shown on the approved subdivision plan.
    The original drawings shall be delivered to the office of the Director of Public Services, and said plans shall be reviewed as to conformance with these standards before submission to the Board of Selectmen for public acceptance.