§ 329-4. Tree Warden and Tree Committee.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Tree Warden.
    Authority and power. The Tree Warden, appointed by the First Selectman with the approval of the Board of Selectmen as outlined in the Town Charter, § 9-16, shall have all powers, duties and authorities ascribed to him/her as set out in the Connecticut Public Shade Tree Statute, particularly C.G.S. §§ 23-58, 23-59, 23-60 and 23-65, as the same may be amended, and this chapter.
    Compensation. The Tree Warden shall receive for services such compensation as the Selectmen, duly authorized, shall prescribe.
    Duties. The Tree Warden shall:
    Enforce all provisions of law for the preservation of trees and shrubs in the Town.
    Develop and administer a forestry management plan for the Town.
    Hire contractors for the pruning, maintenance or removal of trees or shrubs on Town property in accordance with the long-range management plan and the specifications and standards outlined in the forestry management plan.
    Post a notice upon trees on Town property of their planned removal at least 10 days before removal is to take place, unless the condition of the trees constitutes an immediate public hazard.
    Issue permits as required by this chapter, first obtaining the written agreement of each person who applies for such permits that he or she will comply with the requirements of this chapter and the forestry management plan.
    Select and identify any trees which qualify as landmark trees, notable trees, and asset trees on Town property and, with the concurrence of the property owner, on private property.
    Prevent damage to trees and shrubs on Town property by any person, company, utility or state or federal agency. Damage may include but not be limited to pruning, removing, defacing, cutting, painting, or marking trees; posting unauthorized signs on trees; injuring, mutilating, killing or destroying any trees or shrubs; permitting any toxic chemical, including excessive road salt or other deicing chemical, to seep, drain or be emptied on or about any tree; piling soil over roots to a suffocating depth or scraping soil above the roots; or setting fires or burying rubble within the trees' root zones.
    Supervise to the extent possible work affecting trees performed by public utility companies or their agents. Such work shall be reviewed prior to being undertaken and shall be done according to the standards of the forestry management plan. If as a result of such work trees are irreparably damaged, the Tree Warden shall require the company to pay for replacing the trees with a similar species.
    Tree Committee.
    Composition. The Tree Committee shall be composed of seven members, three appointed by the Board of Selectmen and four appointed by the Conservation Commission. Each member of the Tree Committee shall be appointed for a term of three years, and terms shall be staggered so that at least two members are appointed each year. Members shall serve without compensation. To increase effectiveness, applicants for vacancies should meet with the Tree Committee before being considered for appointment to the Committee. Further, the Committee may suggest to appointing entities certain skills, experience or Committee preferences to be considered in applicants for appointment. The Tree Warden serves as a member ex officio.
    Duties. The Tree Committee shall advise and consult the Tree Warden on any matter pertaining to this chapter and its enforcement. The topics under which this advice and consultation may be given may include, but are not limited to, amendments to this chapter; alterations or revisions to the forestry management plan; policies concerning selection, planting, maintenance, and removal of trees, shrubs and other plants within the Town; and development of community educational programs.
Amended 9-19-2001